Sheehan Financial
Brown and Syme
Brown & Associates Accountants
Total Golf Bizhouse Nelson: 2015 - 2016

Out Of Bounds Golfers

Division: 2
Rank: 7

James FairbrussNZ Golf Handicap179716.176
Bruce HendersonNZ Golf Handicap1213915.449
Tony BarnettNZ Golf Handicap1714518.138
Andy BennettNZ Golf Handicap119215.336
Dave Mitchell201717171
MckenzieNZ Golf Handicap1230152
Paul AndrewsNZ Golf Handicap166917.254
D HallNZ Golf Handicap1734172

Team weekly scores

Wk1Wk2Wk3Wk4Wk5Wk6Wk7Wk8Wk9Wk10Wk11Wk12 AGGADJ AGG *

* Adjusted Aggregate score is calculated as [Aggregate - best weekly score - worst weekly score] and thus is only meaningful from week 4 onwards.

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